Country Programme Document for Iraq (2016-2020)


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Country Programme Document for Iraq (2016-2020)

January 28, 2016

In January 2016, a new Country Programme Document (CPD) was adopted for UNDP Iraq covering the period from 2016-2020. Crafted to consolidate the transition of Iraq, the CPD targets and supports the country in three key pathways: (1) developing a framework for rights, peace and stability through public institutional reform; (2) improving delivery of public goods and services through administrative and fiscal reform and devolution from the national Government to the governorates; and (3) reviving communities through direct intervention to stabilize newly liberated areas in preparation for early returns and recovery.  

The three programme elements will be addressed in the following ways: (1) institutional reform, focused on key national institutions and the general population, with significant benefits for women and girls affected by sexual and gender-based violence; (2) devolution of administrative and fiscal powers to governorates, emphasizing on eight governorates across Iraq; and (3) contribution to the safe, voluntary return of IDPs through stabilization, peacebuilding and early recovery, prioritizing the most vulnerable, minorities, IDPs, youth and women, and female-headed households.

Given the special status of the Kurdistan Region, UNDP is working with the Regional Government to implement ‘Vision 2020’ as a key pillar of the country programme, and to prevent the progress of the Region from sliding back due to the influx of IDPs and refugees, and budgetary constraints. UNDP is providing support to host communities and IDPs to alleviate their suffering and mitigate the burden placed on the Regional Government. Further support to the Kurdistan Region governorates includes improving their service delivery systems and development planning capacities.


  • UNDP will support legal and law enforcement institutions at the national level in becoming more transparent and accountable
  • There are joint efforts with UNAMI to support implementation of the Provincial Powers Act (Law 21)
  • Stabilizing areas wrested from ISIL control will be an important component of the UNDP programme through rehabilitating community infrastructure, enhancing the capacity of local authorities, supporting livelihoods, and community reconciliation