In depth

In depth

UNDP supports resilient, low-emission, development pathways to cope with climate change and environmental risks and exposure, developing targeted support, which includes:

  • Policy advice and technical assistance to enable national partners to integrate environment, disaster and climate risks in resilience-building and recovery planning;
  • Building national and subnational capacities to design and implement strategies to achieve environment, disaster and climate-related goals;
  • Promoting resilience, by supporting implementation of the national environment strategy, and accessibility to global climate finance instruments; 
  • Providing technical assistance to assist the Government in meeting its international commitments, obligations for the conventions and comply with related reporting requirements.

In Iraq, UNDP has a focus on addressing challenges in the regions suffering most from ecological degradation, including areas more disaster-vulnerable, salinity-affected and water-stressed, with all efforts tailored to ensure the recovery of climate-vulnerable communities, with priority on women, children, the elderly and disabled.

UNDP draws on its regional and global environment and climate change expertise to support evidence-based policy and analysis to inform national policies and action plans, working with national partners to identify and access climate financing opportunities, including vertical funds such as the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the Green Climate Fund (GCF), and the Adaptation Fund. UNDP also promotes South-South and regional collaboration to address cross-boundary environmental challenges and crisis.

UNDP Iraq Solar Engineer speaks with Najaf resident and recipient of rooftop Solar PV System about the benefits of solar energy.

What we have achieved

  • Strengthened national capacities for disaster risk management, including Mosul dam emergency and preparedness plans and awareness raising efforts amongst grass roots and vulnerable communities in regard to disaster risks and ways to cope with emergencies; 
  • Supported the implementation of obligations under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), and the preparation and submission of the 6th National Report
  • Promotion of the development of renewable energy, by formulating new laws and legislations that will attract private sector engagement, build the technical capacities of government and researches institutions at national and local levels, and raise community awareness on the use of solar energy;
  • Enhanced readiness for effective implementation of Green Climate Fund initiatives, strengthening institutional capacities by establishing Nationally Designated Authority (NDA), and development of a GCF Country Programme;
  • Supported the Government of Iraq to prepare an achievable National Determined Contribution in accordance with the Paris Agreement. In its draft form, the NDC supports environmental, social and economic sustainability, and identifies priority thematic sectors to be targeted for climate change mitigation and adaptation. UNDP and the Government of Iraq are working toward the finalization of the NDC in 2020, and submission during COP26 in 2021.