Fast Facts 2017: Support for Integrated Reconciliation in Iraq


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Fast Facts 2017: Support for Integrated Reconciliation in Iraq

December 1, 2017

In January 2017, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) partnered with the Implementation and Follow-up National Reconciliation Committee (IFNRC) to launch the project Support for Integrated Reconciliation in Iraq (SIRI). This project is supporting efforts to promote reconciliation as a pathway towards a more non-violent, representative and resilient Iraq.

This Fast Facts highlights the key areas of engagement and results to date. 


  • Concerns of hundreds of returnees directed for addressing through 6 Local Peace Committees
  • 508 women benefited from the women centre in Tikrit, Salah al-Din, established in September 2017
  • Public awareness campaign on track as outreach and key messages have been defined through consultative sessions with agents of change